Saturday, April 30, 2011


this is anitaroslan

ya allah, ni dah kira tujuh kali kot aku wish. orang wish aku pun wish, orang wish lagi, aku wish lagi. haha :D

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAYY ! (29/4/1994)


  1. enjoy your birthday

  2. have a great year

  3. score in your SPM

  4. have a good life

kena tag lagi ! kena tag lagi ! :DD haha

4 perkara yang menggambarkan IzhaniFarhana

talkative *sometimes*, simple, braces, gemuk.

4 nama manja IzhaniFarhana

iffa, kak iffa, makcik, nenek

4 perkara baik yang kamu buat hari ini

basuh pinggan, nasihat org jgn merokok, pergi belajar :P, bersopan santun dgn cikgu, HAHAHA !

*takda idea dah sebenarnya*

4 tempat yang nak sangat pergi

rome, italy, india, mekah

4 perkara terakhir yang kamu buat sebelum join contest ini

pergi tuition and music class, tngk movie, makan ice cream, menyanyi :)

4 orang yang paling sayang dalam dunia ini

my family, bestfriends, friends, muffin <33

4 misi untuk kamu capai tahun ini

straight As for SPM, solat full, try taknak gaduh2 dgn kawan tahun ni *hopefully*,always make ma and pa happy

4 habit buruk kamu

suka sangat tidur, suka berangan, cepat marah2, nyanyi kuat2 walaupun tak SODAP ! :P

4 perkara yang kamu fobia

terpijak katak, makan benda basi sampai sakit perut, injured because of ice skating or rollerblading,

orang acu pisau secara sengaja/tak sengaja.

4 sebab join contest ni

i love doing quiz, sbb org dah tag so kita buat lah kan :D thnks aimi !, i've got nothing to do,

and soalan dia boleh buat readers kenal izhanifarhana ni lagi kan. so why not :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

:) from tumblr

adalaahh berkait rapat/kena mengena sikit dgn saya ni. that's why copy paste :P

Friday, April 22, 2011

cetusan inspirasi

location : smk seksyen 10, kota damansara (my school)

penat sangatsangat join program ni. dari pagi sampai 10.30 malam. aku rasa da mcm pergi camp pun ada :p

here are the pictures :)

dari kiri, dylla,farah, fath :D

ni penceramah yg 1st sekali bagi ceramah.
eh eh readers, muka dia ada mcm A.R Tompel sikit tak ? :P haha

dylla khusyuk

yg arrow dekat kepala tu saya :D
ni mcm teamwork punya game, kena angkat like apa tu, penyukat air yg dalam ada air ramai2.
semua kena pegang tali rafia je, tak boleh pegang container tu *tah yg pnyukat air tulaa*

me n chah (makcikku !)

dari kiri, ain,fath,farah,mekar :DD

ain buat muka macho. hahaha !


that's all, nothing much to tell.
masa solat hajat kitorang tak ambik gambar.
semua gambar dlm camera fath.
oh and to my fb friends, nak tngk gambar2 yg lain ada dekat my fb profile :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ellyna suruh buat, kita pun buatlah ehh awak :P

i'm not sure what this is actually, tp dah dia ckp kena buat 10 things about me. so why not kan ? :)

(will be in bahasa rojak also)

  • i'm a very simple girl/woman or just girl ? mana2 lah.
  • i love to eat small portions but several times a day. why i only eat small portions ? sebaabb tong saya kecik. tak boleh nak masuk bnyk. okay tukar ayat, bukan "i love to", but "i only can" :P
  • i collect t-shirts, shawls, and cardigans :)
  • i hate to wear high heals and hats.
  • suka menang. suka ikut kepala sendiri, keras kepala/degil, cepat nak marah.
  • i hate waiting for something or someone because i'll get bored easily.
  • i don't know why,but i love babies.
  • LOVE beaches and not bitches ! :)
  • suka berangan depan cermin. cakap sorang2,nyanyi sorang2. hahaha ! :PP
  • ohh bad habit ni, boleh tidur dekat mana2 pun, atas kerusi, meja, lantai pun boleh kalau dah penat sgt :D haha

Saturday, April 16, 2011


first of all,tok soh cakap laa kan, mcm biasa. saya mmg suka tulis guna bahasa rojak.
harap maklum :)

kesiannyaa blog, dah berhabuk-habuk sampai ada spider web dah :(
it's been a while huh since i updated my blog ? lately i'm verrryy busy with my studies, school and some personal things.

sorry to the regular readers, bukakbukak tak update, bukak tak update lagi izhani ni ! hisyy.


okay so i'll write randomly about what happen. okay ?
sbb bnyk sangat~


tak sangka aku stalk fb cikgu ghumiat sbb nak cari gambar dia :P

yea, dia baru pindah n transfer ke sekolah lain. dah banyak dia buat untuk sekolah, even lagu sekolah pun dia yg tulis :/

sebagai penghargaan terimalah * :PP HAHA ! chewah

ilmu penyuluh hari muka

akan ku tuntut sepenuh jiwa

selagi hayat diperlu dunia

akan ku timba akan ku teroka

nama sekolah ku sanjungi

restu pendidik mengiringi

insan cemerlang ku idami

sahsiah unggul penghias diri

janjiku pada diri

janjiku pada semua

menjadi insan berbakti

hidup beradab

di mana jua

NO 2 : activity sekolah

-nasyid masuk peringkat negeri. tapi dapat no.4. bersyukur jelah :)
-ada bola tampar bola baling semua, ramai kawan aku masuk.
-izhani dah banyak kali ponteng latihan rumah sukan.

lagi apa ? entah tak ingat dah :P

NO 3 : family

-went to KELLIE's CASTLE for the first time. lawoo~
-muffin makin gemok *tu dah biasa

umm..and many more :) banyak sangat nak tulis pun.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

shortallshort ?

assalamualaikum :) hari ni izhani baik, so kenalah bagi salam dulukan. hee ^^ *not that i'm saying selalunya izhani jahat. TAKKK ! * hari ni mood saya baik.
nak cakap macam tu sbnarnya tadi~

first of all, for the new visitors and followers or maybe just 'readers ?',
i just want to say "blog ini mengamalkan bahasa rojak"
that's how i speak everyday, and indirectly that's how i write in my blog also.
did i use the 'indirectly' correctly ? takpelah, abaikann~

kalau bahasa rojak memeningkan kpala anda. but try to keep up with me okay ? :)

ohh nampak tajuk dekat atas tu ? kenapa izhani ni ? apa shortallshort niiihhhhh ?!
TU DIA, cek nak habak lo nih~

actually boys and girls, perasan tak,
perempuan selalu cakap "isy, pendeknya aku nih, kenapa aku pendek sangat ? KENAAPAAAA ??? :'( "

lelaki selalu cakap/ejek "hahaha ! PENDEK ! you dah pendek tu pendek jelaahh"

*lebih kurang macam tulah kan*

actually for me, perempuan pendek ke tak ke sama je benefit dia. kira untung maa.
to me, Tall women are beautiful and hmm. . .beautiful ? they have long legs, and most of them are thin. *hisyy jealous !

but but short girls are CUTE ! :D maybe if you're lucky, then you'll find beautiful short girls. haha. readers, if you're a girl and kinnndd of short like "ME" then no worries bebeh. i have several points for us to be grateful for our shortness.

NO.1, when you're short, you're kind of cute. because you're small. right ?
i'm not that small. i'm medium :P but it's okay. this is for a reaallyy short girls :)

NO.2, when you're short, you'll always date taller guys :D i love this point :P
true right, because you're SHORT then for sure all the guys will be taller than you..and you can assume all the guys that are taller than you can be grouped as 'the tall guys' :) eventhough in reality they're not as tall as umm. . .robert pattinson maybe ? maybe they're just like umm. . . daniel radcliffe ? but WHAT DO YOU CARE ! they're taller than you ! so kira okay lah tu kan kan ? :PP

okay2, my poiinnttt isss, you'll always always always date tall guys. dah. titik.

POINT NO.3, it is easy for you to shop for pants.
tall girls, susah laa kan. kaki dia panjang, kita ni kalau kaki pendek pakai je 3 quarter pants or personally i called it seluar "steng" :D
jgn tanya kenapa aku panggil mcm tu.
shushh diam, jgn persoalkan walaupun dlm minda. hahaha

haa then for those who have "medium" legs like me :) it is veryveryvery easy for us to look for pants, takda problem punyalah. (grammar : wahai kanak2, bila ada word very,jgn nak very very ehh. salah tu. exam nanti teacher tolak markah)

okay dah, penat nak type bnyk2 lagi. cukuplah merepek sampai di situ sahaja :)

so short girls, do you get my points ? do you like it ?

readers, it's okay to be short or tall or fat or superduper thin.
our body types are all god's creation, *tapi kalau dah makan tak jaga tu salah kita lah kan--*

be grateful with our body types, if we're born that way, so what can we do about it right~
takkan kalau dah pendek nak pergi buat surgery lutut pulak dah :P

gemuk ke kurus ke, just keep yourself healty,
don't over diet n don't eat like you never found a food before.
you get me ? :)

SO READERS, keep yourself healty, be happy with who you are and with your figures,
and and
don't forget to always say ALHAMDULLILLAH for those who're muslims :))